Introduction to Functional Programming in Python


I recently gave a talk «Introduction to Functional Programming in Python» at PyCon UK.

Slides (2.2e6 octet PDF)

Accompanying notes, including homework (49e3 octet PDF)

In another post I give my ramblings on PyCon as a whole.

It was my first talk and it was a very interesting experience. Thanks to all who attended (it was much more popular than I was expecting). It’s definitely something I should do more of.

[2008-05-06: I gave a talk with the same title but about 50% different content at the spring UKUUG]

4 Responses to “Introduction to Functional Programming in Python”

  1. Paul Says:

    Congratulations on the talk!

    PS: have you seen ? Not that you could cover anything like all that in a talk, but it’s quite an intelligent overview of FP in Python 2.5.

  2. drj11 Says:

    I hadn’t seen it before (I might have actually, but it was sufficiently long ago that it was well worth linking to). From a quick skim, it looks very good, and just the sort of thing I should be promoting in Python. It should definitely be on the Further Reading list.

  3. Carl Says:

    filter(lambda x :, l) should be filter(, l).

  4. Carl Says:

    (Never mind.)

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