Quality Improvement Agency, improving the 404


I know I shouldn’t. It’s silly to mock quangoes. But I just couldn’t resist.

Check out the Quality Improvement Agency’s 404:

Quality. Got to have that 404 displayed in Rockwell Bold. Outline. What the heck is «http://404» anyway?

I was going to mock them for the hilarious graphic, amongst other things, in this press release. Most excellent.

2 Responses to “Quality Improvement Agency, improving the 404”

  1. Francis Davey Says:

    They’ve been reading “How to Lie with Statistics” but obviously not anything much more advanced. The lack of any x-axis means that one can’t even complain that the figures appear to bear no relationship to the numbers quoted in the text (which also fails to give any meaningful information).

    Thanks for this gem.

  2. Nick Barnes Says:

    Two awesome graphics. Our taxes at work.

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