bash functions: it is mad!


bash can export functions to the environment. A consequence of this is that bash can import functions from the environment. This leaves us #shellshocked. #shellshock aside, why would anyone want to do this? As I Jackson says: “it is mad”.

Exporting bash functions allows a bash script, or me typing away at a terminal in bash, to affect the behaviour of basically any other bash program I run. Or a bash program that is run by any other program.

For example, let’s say I write a program in C that prints out the help for the zgrep program:

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    return system("zgrep --help");

This is obviously just a toy example, but it’s not unusual for Unix programs to call other programs to do something. Here it is in action:

drj$ ./zgrephelp
Usage: /bin/zgrep [OPTION]... [-e] PATTERN [FILE]...
Look for instances of PATTERN in the input FILEs, using their
uncompressed contents if they are compressed.

OPTIONs are the same as for 'grep'.

Report bugs to <>.

Now, let’s say I define a function called test in my interactive bash session:

test () { bob ; }

This is unwise (test is the name of a well know Unix utility), but so far only harmful to myself. If I try and use test in my interactive session, things go a bit weird:

drj$ test -e /etc/passwd
The program 'bob' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install python-sponge

but at least I can use bash in other processes and it works fine:

drj$ bash -c 'test -e /etc/passwd' ; echo $?

What happens if I export the function test to the environment?

drj$ export -f test
drj$ ./zgrephelp
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
gzip: /bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
--help.gz: No such file or directory
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try `grep --help' for more information.
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found
/bin/zgrep: bob: command not found

zgrephelp stops working. Remember, zgrephelp is written in C! Of course, zgrephelp runs the program zgrep which is written in… bash! (on my Ubuntu system).

Exporting a function can affect the behaviour of any bash script that you run, including bash scripts that are run on your behalf by other programs, even if you never knew about them, and never knew they were bash scripts. Did you know /bin/zcat is a bash script? (on Ubuntu)

How is this ever useful? Can you ever safely export a function? No, not really. Let’s say you export a function called X. Package Y might install a binary called X and a bash script Z that calls X. Now you you’ve broken Z. So you can’t export a function if it has the same name as a binary installed by any package that you ever might install (including packages that are you never use directly but are installed merely to compile some package that you do want to use).

Let’s flip this around, and consider the import side.

When a bash script starts, before it’s read a single line of your script it will import functions from the environment. These are just environment variables of the form BASH_FUNC_something()=() { function defintion here ; }. You don’t have to create those by exporting a function, you can just create an environment variable of the right form:

drj$ env 'BASH_FUNC_foo()=() { baabaa ; }' bash -c foo
bash: baabaa: command not found

Imagine you are writing a bash script and you are a conscientious programmer (this requires a large amount of my imagination). bash will import potentially arbitrary functions, with arbitrary names, from the environment. Can you prevent these functions being defined?

It would appear not.

Any bash script should carefully unset -f prog for each prog that it might call (including builtins like cd; yes you can define a function called cd).

Except of course, that you can’t do this if unset has been defined as a function.

Why is exporting functions ever useful?

4 Responses to “bash functions: it is mad!”

  1. Tony Finch Says:

    One example I have heard of is the “module” command, which is implemented as an exported shell function so that it can (a) manipulate the environment of the shell it runs in to implement modular environments, and (b) be present in subshells without additional faff.

    Of course you can get the same effect by sourcing the module setup script in your .bashrc instead of your .bash_profile, so I am still looking for a really compelling example.

  2. Gareth Rees Says:

    There’s a defence against the problem on the calling side: don’t use functions like system that run the shell. In your example, because the system is the last thing that happens in main, the replacement is simple: instead of system("zgrep --help") you can use execlp("zgrep", "zgrep", "--help", 0) which avoids the shell, or execle("/usr/bin/zgrep", "zgrep", "--help", 0, 0) which suppresses the environment too. In more general cases you’d use posix_spawn or posix_spawnp followed by waitpid.

    In Python you’d use"zgrep", "--help", env={}) instead of os.system.

    • drj11 Says:

      Yes, but

      drj$ head -3 /bin/zgrep

      # zgrep -- a wrapper around a grep program that decompresses files as needed

      • Gareth Rees Says:

        You may not be able to stop the program you are running from invoking the shell, but using you can suppress (or whitelist) the environment variables you pass it.

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